france blue

denuit france bleu

Denuit Interview on France Blue

We had the change to talk about our new album Ritual on France Blue Herault. You can head over their official site to listen to the full interview here

Thanks to Emmanuel de Roquetaillade for having us, we really enjoyed the follow up interview. Last year Emmanuel asked us about our Album Inferno

Denuit France Bleu Interview

Denuit Interview France Bleu

We did a really cool interview with France Bleu Herault talking about our New album Inferno, the inspiration, the creation process and the plans for the future.

Thanks to Emmanuel de Roquetaillade for inviting us to the show La nouvelle scène de l’Hérault

Denuit on France Blue Héreult

Denuit sur France Blue Hérault

We did a cool interview on France Bleu Hérault We talked about our album Black Sun, the origins of our name Denuit, and some cool new things coming.You can also hear 4 songs from Black Sun. La Nouvelle Scène France Bleu Hérault Thanks to France Bleu for the invitation !